Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Since I have started a new blog for each "larger" trip I've taken, I figured I would do the same for my adventures down under. As of now, the plan is to spend approximately five months in New Zealand and Australia, the first month and a half (or two) with a program, the Pacific Challenge. I am currently figuring out logistics on whether or not I will do the Classic, or the Expedition, which are sponsored by different universities but consist of the same activities. I will be closing my undergraduate academic career with these credits, although as of December 12, I will be done with my required classes! (Heads up for my graduation party in the Spring when I come back! I will be walking June 11th.) Regardless, I arranged to get my own airfare since I will be staying afterwards, hopefully either working on farms through World Wide Opportunuties on Organic Farms (WWOOF), fruit picking, or likely in the hospitality industry (as I intend to get a working visa). Things are still in the works although I'll have more figured out in the upcoming weeks, and certainly before January 12th when I leave! It'll be the beginning of a perpetual state of summer for me (at least for the next three years).