Tuesday, January 25, 2011

North Island


We drove two and half hours south from Auckland to reach the town of Waitomo, one of two places in the world that has glowworms (they are also found in Tasmania). Glowworms are not really worms, but just maggots that are bioluminescent! The first day we arrived we met up with the people from the Expedition and went to the local bar, Curly’s. The following day was our first outing where we went to Ruakuri Cave and went on a rafting tour to see glowworms. So sweet! They look like greenish-yellow stars on the ceiling. Then Sunday, we went to a “Kiwi Culture Show” at Woodlyn Park, where there is also a “Hobbit Motel” built into the ground, and a boat and plane for lodging. Volunteers helped saw a log, sheer a sheep (I helped with that one), and we were entertained with a possum, dogs, sheep, and a huge cow (that’s not the proper name, but, yah). Afterwards, some most people on the trip decided to participate in another caving trip. This time is was focused on rappelling down into a water cave. It was raining and the waterfalls inside the cave were huge. We went down 250ft! Out first rappel down a waterfall was 65feet. Crazy cool  There were small caverns you had to crawl through and parts we climbed up a bit. It’s really hard to describe but was completely fascinating. Also, because of the rain, the water levels in the cave were higher than they normally would be in the summer and the waterfalls were gushing!

Rotarua, Taupo, Tongariro

After packing and cleaning up the Marae, we drove south to Rotarua where some people chose to Zorb (also known as rolling down a hill in a big, plastic ball). I find myself not saying “no” often on this trip and of course participated. You can either go as a single, or up to a group of three; we were offered a group rate and so I went with two other people. Super great! It was kind of like taking a hot tub down a hill. You dove through this hole and then they released you down. We tried to stay standing up and run as it was rolling downhill but fell almost immediately and rolled away around in the water. It was much more satisfying than I expected! Then we went to the Rangitaki River and went white water rafting; my first experience and it was really fun! The scenery was beautiful and the rapids were awesome. I’d love to get into it more back home. Fortunately, the following day, the weather was beautiful and we did the Tongariro Alpine Crossing, an 18.5km hike that crosses Mt. Doom (known for being in the 2nd Lord of the Rings movie, which I have yet to watch). The highest point is at Red Crater (1886m). The change of scenery was incredible changing from a vast volcanic area to a lush forest. Afterwards, there was a sign for a waterfall at our campground and a few of us went to go find it. The trail disappeared and three of us, Cody, Dash, and I, ended up walking down the shallow (freezing) spring for about 30minutes where we came upon a 20ft waterfall. Totally unexpected but awesome to find!


We drove to Rangitikei and found another campground. It's been a bit of a free day (thus finally having internet!) and we are going to go rafting tomorrow.

All and all, this trip is AMAZING. I cannot believe how we much cool stuff we do, all the time :)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Mail Drops

Hello! So there may need to be a little coordination on your behalf (by looking at my itinerary) if you want to send me anything, but here are the addresses where I will be able to receive mail.

C/O Pacific Challenge
(Participant’s name)
12 Hereford Street
Christchurch 8140, New Zealand

Pinewood Lodge
Pacific Challenge
(Participant’s name)
48 Hamilton Road
Queenstown 9300, New Zealand

Pacific Challenge Group
(Participant’s name)
The Tallows Holiday Cabins
The Tallows
Byron Bay
NSW 2481

Keep in mind that it takes 2 weeks (approximate) for mail to get here! So send things with plenty of time if you intend to!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

LAX, Auckland, McGregor's Bay

First, it was so great to see Erin, my former roomate and friend since freshman year, at the airport! We had a quick catch up as she waited in line with me before security. This was after I took the wrong bus after landing from Seattle, and ended up at a parking lot rather than the International Terminal...

Quick thoughts as I wait for my flight to Fiji:
Wow. Getting out of Seattle was a peaceful whirlwind but, came up on me quickly! Even as I waitied for security, it didn’t quite seem as if I were leaving yet. Fortunately I said goodbye to a number of people over the past week and weekend although I neglected proper sleep and trip preparation; I’m planning to sleep a lot on the plane! I had my last day of work as a barista at Urban Bakery on Tuesday morning after a series of nights out. That afternoon I spent with Matt, before finally reaching home in order to START packing. I knew generally what I wanted to bring, but it was just a matter of spending the time (which I hadn’t previously had) in order to do it. Come Monday morning, a few errands, seeing Autumn, and delivering pictures, my mom and I were en route to the airport! As excited as I am, it’s always hard to leave and as much as I think I’m “ok,” it always amazes me how emotional I am come actually leaving.

To those of you who I saw, thank you; to those I didn’t, well I’m going to miss you anyway too :)!

Here’s to nearly a full day of travel including layovers… Fortunately, I will be meeting my Uncle George’s good friend from growing up as I arrive in Auckland!

After what totalled 23 hours of travel (layovers included), I just arrived in Auckland! I made it by shuttle to my Uncle George's long time friend Mike's work where we then stopped by his house where I met his daughter Peggy, showered, visted the sheep and lambs, picked some peas, beans, and corn, and I am now on the computer before heading up to the bach ( beach house ) as there will not be internet up there. Return date: TBD; before Friday.. It's sunny, warm, and I am loving the change of scenery already :)

A two and a half hour drive north through Whangarei took Mike and I to the McGregor’s bach to meet up with his wife Claire and an assortment of her family. The first couple of days the weather was beautiful and my days were characterized by fishing, reading “The Girl who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest,” laying in the sun, swimming, going to Ocean’s Beach, jumping in the waves, walking around, and enjoying lots of great food and company! As the weekend concluded, and nothing urgent bringing me to Auckland until Friday (when I meet up with the Pacific Challenge), I decided to stay at the bach to continue my leisurely start to my time in New Zealand. The following couple of days were overcast with a slight shower, although the weather stayed warm. I read another book, only to finally look at my syllabus and realize that I should have read two before the trip started. I'll start that now... I hiked Mt. Manaia in the morning with it only to clear up right as Julie and I were coming down. After walking around Smuggler's Cove with those of us remaining at the bach, I will finish up some reading and plan to do Mt. Manaia tomorrow to see the wonderful 360degree views I have been hearing all about. I am planning on bussing back to Albany unless we find someone heading south tomorrow!

There was a panic mishap with the PC but I believe it's all sorted.