Saturday, February 12, 2011

Christchurch and Peel Forest


So immediately upon arriving in Christchurch, we went to the found a bar playing the Superbowl and preceded to start our evening early. We found a Greek place, Dimitris, that we became obsessed with (well ate there three times during our short stay), and also made friends with the owner’s son (he and a friend are going to roadtrip to Queenstown while we are there!). Our time in cities is characterized by attending classes, trying to get online, shopping, and partying. We also had to do a “cultural safari” where we roamed the city and had to interview citizens. There was an earthquake here not too long ago and many places were closed for repairs. We also played Rubgy in the park. Scary fricken game! We were then off toward to Peel Forest.

Peel Forest

We were going to camp here, but an “eco-lodge” opened up and we stayed there instead (which was great because it ended up raining lightly that night). The toilets were composting ones and we had a lengthy explanation about how to use it. Sawdust, water, got it. I got more of an instruction here than India! Anyway, the following morning we went down the Rangitaka River for class two kayaking. SO MUCH FUN! We split off into groups and practiced in an eddy before lunch, came back to shore, and then were in the rapids for a couple hours. It was great. A lot of people fell and I was fine, until (or course) right before the end. We were told to stop but I was being carried away with the current and tried to come to shore but wasn’t making it to anything where I could hold onto. Sarah had a branch so I pulled up next to her, but I was still in the current and while pushing away, I flipped, causing her to flip. I had my boat and paddle, but a tree was coming and I was trying to get out of the way. Somehow I lose my paddle, then my boat, and it was just silly. I ended up floating down a bit, then we had to go back to retrieve my paddle. Very fun though! Fortunately we had wetsuits because it was glacier water. We stayed another night, played Catan, Jungle Speed, and Yucer. The following morning we stopped in for groceries in Geraldine and hit up the Farmer’s Market. I (of course) got earrings and got some lunch; they also had a folky band playing. Ohhh how I miss Farmer’s Markets, they really are just so great!

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