Monday, April 11, 2011

Climbing and a travel adventure

For my last day in Sydney (for the time being), I stayed around Collaroy, grabbed a baguette for breakfast, watched Bree try to fly a kite (it broke within minutes), and ended up getting a swimsuit (all summer stuff at this store was half off!). Dave picked me up and we headed over to the crags over at Linfield to go climbing. He was kind enough to belay me on a bunch of top ropes. It was a great area to practice skills and get some conditioning in. I only did about five routes, but I down climbed them, some were a bit thin, and the last was an overhang. Not too shabby for not climbing for a while. The rock was sandstone and super sticky! Ohh how I miss climbing! Then Dave dropped me at the train station in Chatswood to go the airport to attempt the standby flight thing, which I was quite weary about.

En Route to QLD
I found out that “stand by” flights don’t really exist in Australia as I was previously told, and encouraged to try in order to save money; so much for not trusting my gut feeling and booking ahead! I got to the airport and just ended up buying a flight for the following day. Since I already paid to get to the airport, I figured I’d just hang around. There was free wifi so I downloaded a bunch of podcasts and games on my itouch. I fortunately also had a few books to pass the time. I ended up having to go to the international terminal for the evening since the domestic one closes in the evening; it was either there, or McDonalds… A girl from Germany shared a power outlet with me and I got a few movies from her. In the morning I caught the train back to the proper terminal and caught my flight into Mackay via Brisbane. Once I arrive in Mackay, it will be after when the daily bus goes to St. Lawrence, so I may be hitchhiking down the Bruce Hwy... tbd

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