Sunday, April 10, 2011

Sydney - Collaroy

Upon landing in Sydney, I took a train to Circular Quay where I caught a ferry into Manly. Nikki picked me up and we got sorbet and ice cream! Doug and Bree are finishing their time with the Norwegians at a hostel in Collaroy so I stayed with them for the night. The following day we went to the mall, got myself a new camera (as mine died in the water in Fiji) and a passport photo so I can send in my PADI card. We picked up my belongings from Dave's so I could organize what I wanted to bring up north to Queensland. I went out to dinner with the group at a Thai restaurant across the street from the hostel. I spent a bunch of time online and organizing photos, etc. I talked with Torrey and figured out that I would fly into Mackay, bus into St. Lawrence and work with where he is at. I am going to go to the airport tonight after climbing to see if I can fly standby. We will see how that works out... From St. Lawrence, we will go to Magnetic Island, work and hopefully scuba, make our way up to Cairns, maybe scuba, and make it back to Sydney fo our flights. I will probably head back end of May so I can climb the three sisters and maybe do a canyon. Regardless, my flight is booked to Seattle May 4th!

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