Friday, March 4, 2011


Arriving in Sydney, I exchanged some money, bought a SIM card (0404575863 if anyone wants to call!), and caught a shuttle into the city where Doug, our trip leader, was staying at Dave’s, the program leader’s, apartment in Manly, a suburb in the northern beaches of Sydney. The group wasn’t arriving until 4:30 so we picked up the 22 seater bus we will be headed to an outdoor mall to grab some lunch; the food is so much better here than in NZ! I had a pumpkin, garbanzo bean salad and a chicken, avocado wrap. We then went grocery shopping, dropped off our gear at the surf club we were staying at. We then went driving around and saw beaches at Cooggee, Bondi, and Manly. We then also went to a lookout, which would have been beautiful but it was a bit cloudy. We then went and hung at McDonalds outside of the airport until the group got in. It was a successful pickup! We headed back to the surf club to make dinner and enjoy a laid back evening. The following day was characterized by waking up for sunrise and watching the beach fill up with surfers, going on a run, playing in the waves, going into Manly for shopping, going on a Harley Davidson ride, coming back to make dinner and then going out to a 3story club in the evening. We had class in the morning with Dave.

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