Thursday, March 24, 2011

Post PC, Sydney, Kurrajong

Post Pacific Challenge in the Sydney area

We stayed the first night in the Manly Apartments with the other group and then got another apartment a couple blocks away for the next two nights. We hanged around Manly again, surfed, chilled, went out for Dash’s birthday (had Mexican!), etc. We went into Sydney to stay in King’s Cross and celebrated Dash’s birthday (again) with sushi and karaoke. We were escorted by Tommy’s family friend Danielle to breakfast in the morning, said our goodbyes, and napped in the international lounge at the University of Sydney while Steph was in class. I met up with Eric, someone who I went to highschool with, got a new phone, went to Bondi to meet up with Jay, Tommy’s friend from highschool, and then bussed and trained it up north to Richmond. I was so proud I coordinated that ending transport myself as I left Steph and David when I went to Bondi :)


Steph’s family lives an 75minute train north of Sydney and are nice enough to let us stay. They are also a great halfway point between the city and mountains. The following day her dad, Tony, took us to do Sheep Dip, a beginning level canyon, with three pool jumps. It was awesome! I really hadn’t done anything like it. You were walking through a canyon, with your feet pretty much always in water, sometimes submerged to your waist, only completely under water when you made 8-15ft jumps into a pool where you made a quick swim to the ledge. It was awesome. We are going to do another one next week! We went out to a pub and had dinner with Dave and a few other people that stayed behind. Tony is a longtime climber who has lived in Chamonix, Yosemite, the Alps, etc, and he and Dave offered to take me into the mountains in the upcoming weeks before I go to Byron (which I am pushing back when I will actually go because I’d love to get some climbing in around here and they have the gear!!) The following day we made it into Sydney to meet up with Danielle for lunch.

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